Westchester: 914.428.3900
New York City: 212.629.0900
White Plains, NY 10605

Well-known in Westchester for their technology expertise, the IMC team provides a full range of services.

IMC is a minority-, woman-owned business.

Efficiency & Productivity

Welcoming Robert

Overcoming My Love / Hate Relationship Technology has the ability to free our mind from pesky details, free our attention to explore the new and novel, and free our time from the mundane and tedious. That is – when it works. When it doesn’t work…well, suffice it to say that even though I work with [...]

The Power of Outlook

Business owners and executives are always in need of ways to stay organized and keep their contacts up to date. For small businesses, Microsoft’s Outlook can be a good way of creating a light CRM (Contact Relationship Manager) until they grow into a full CRM package. There are fields that can be used for noting [...]

Tech Tidbits – Increasing Your Productivity

A little known fact to increase your productivity and efficiency is that moving from using one monitor to two monitors will increase your productivity by 44% according to a study from the University of Utah. It is probably the most cost-effective thing that you can do with your computer to improve your productivity. It should [...]

By |2021-10-11T10:44:46-05:00June 17th, 2020|Efficiency & Productivity, Tech Tidbits, Tips|

The Evolution of the Office

As so many of us were thrown quickly into a new world of working from home, many organizations were caught unprepared or somewhat unprepared.  One issue was that staff hadn’t been trained to work remotely and security is a big issue since home computers are much less likely to have strong security. As we [...]

By |2020-05-28T12:55:22-05:00May 28th, 2020|Efficiency & Productivity, Phone Systems|
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