• We are well into 2022 and Spring is around the corner. Wouldn’t it be great to know your IT house is cleaned up and in order?
  • Now’s the time to organize your software, subscriptions and hardware and start strategizing about what you will need in the year to come. Creating an inventory of hardware with its technical specifications can be more complicated than one would think as this may also include telephones and security devices as well as computers.  Plus, remembering which department is using special software and why adds another layer of complexity.

Having this information easily available is vital for insurance purposes as well as enabling an organization to create a budget and move to the next level technologically.  And, in my experience, a lot of money can be saved on subscriptions, hardware and software that is forgotten, no longer used and still being paid for on a monthly or annual basis.

In house staff are often to busy to take on the kind of audit that will give you real insight into your IT situation. That’s one reason hiring an outside professional can be a good idea. Another is the experience and insight that person can bring to the table since they have seen how other many other organizations have reached their IT goals.

Call us for a consultation today and let’s get your IT house sparkling!