Solving tech glitches can be frustrating, but IMC looks at glitches as an opportunity to provide a holistic assessment of your business’s technology needs and existing systems. The expert team at IMC provides multi-layered support to clients in order to streamline and improve business workflow and collaboration. Our assessment will not only pinpoint and solve the cause of the issue, but will also be instrumental in building your future IT strategies.

We look at not only day-to-day issues, but also focus on the bigger picture. We conduct interviews within the business to ensure that each member of your team is connected and using office technologies to their highest potential. We believe management strategies are vital to tech support and integration. By learning your businesses’ specific needs, goals, and office environment, we provide integral support in building long-term strategies that will continue to improve productivity and simplify tasks in the future.

Once we have performed an assessment, IMC works with clients to find the solution that fits their unique needs and goals; that’s why we present clients with multiple options and associated costs, rather than only one solution. Next, IMC will arrange to implement your preferred solution at your convenience. By prioritizing our clients’ specific needs and goals, we provide customized solutions that will empower our clients in the future.

We also provide extensive follow-up services, to ensure that no client is left in the lurch with system glitches. The team at IMC not only schedules regular updates and check-ins, but also will anticipate how your business will change in the future, and find pro-active options for new growth and development. With IMC, your business can develop long-term strategies that will grow with your business.